J.S. Mayrand graduated from the Architecture department at Laval University, Quebec, Canada before working as an Intern/Junior architect for 6 years in Montreal, Canada. In 2005, he started a freelance business under the name AGRAPH 3 Design. AGRAPH 3, from the French agrafe (staple), started as 3 fields bound together: Architecture, GRAphic design and Photography. Although he has left the world of architecture firms, he remains in contact with it through teaching, doing photography and creating installations for his own exhibitions. Therefore, the first 'A' for architecture in Agraph 3 has progressively turned into 'A' for art.

In 2013, he graduated from the Visual Design MA course at Kyoto Seika University and completed his doctoral research on Henri Michaux's Mouvements 4 years later at the same university. He has worked at Kyoto University of Art and now splits his teaching load between Kyoto Sangyo University, Ryukoku University and Kyoto University of Foreign Studies. His creative research involves meshing Japanese language etymology to various types of media output. He is now working on a Youtube channel to disseminate Japanese kanji origins to lower the language barrier un a light and accessible way. He hopes this could, in turn, enlighten creators to Japanese kanji characters' structure, meaning and origin in order to stimulate novel viewpoints, uncover new artistic paths and consequently, open hidden doors. He is also a cyclist in pursuit of Japanese manhole cards throughout the country, a hobby he has been documenting since 2021.